
Personally I am somewhat averse to the idea of blogging....that is why I'm starting out so late....simply because I feel it just swallows up a lot of innate literary talents(having forayed through a number of them recently,a few which I feel are compellingly awe-inspiring), who have to their credit an accumulated bunch of fine scribblings with potential of recognition. It is a sorry affair to let genius revolve in the whirpool of coded space and never see  light of day. And yet there are the pros too; after some perusal, I come to the conclusion that blogs are a good medium of expression for those who need to express, but owing to constraints of time or inspiration or opportunity, have not quite burst forth into the literary arena with a critically acclaimable manuscript . Or even those who need to escape , temporarily, from the daily humdrum , madding crowd , severity of their subject of study, or drearity of their workplace, and find it a necessary mental relief to make others sympathize with them( seldom rescue with solemn advice, for they will nonchalantly disregard anything of the sort) for that abyss of darkness they find themselves in, dejected, wounded, and the like.......and also for those who have sound intention of shocking the world with some eccentricity, something to grip the attention of others, earn admiration, even a fan following..............As for myself , it is only a design to help me keep in familiarity with the written word, besides, being in sync with the technological novelties that come, see and conquer, is inevitably important.  At least, its one of those "been there done that" sort of occupation one needs to survive in peer groups. So here I have set out in the sojourn, the destination of which is beautifully inconsequential.....happy to let it be so.

Perhaps I should say something about the scrap of thought behind the selection of the title. No, its not particularly my favourite colour, ( how infinitely lame to pick a name on that ground) nor do I have a special memory associated with it.......not a special one,......... rather, a nostalgic was the colour of my first memorable schoolbag, and essentially( I would refuse to take into regard any other contenders, flicking aside appeals of the pink and red and yellow ones for their crime of being too....too chidish, flimsy maybe, much to the alarm of any concerned parent of  kindergarten creatures ) of many subsequent ones. The colour, in my subconscious has something that attaches me to it inherently, a sense of discipline, solemnity, justice, gravity, courage, determination. It has a magetic persona of its own, for which I was drawn to it. Perhaps for that I reflect,..... security, something never going wrong about it! And then, its the colour of jeans. Youth, vigour , freedom,joie de vivre! Living in the present..................Reason enough, I think...... thus having dutifully justified the intended sense behind the titling, I now humbly take leave, forced by the overwhelming task of studying enough to pass an exam. Sigh! .:(


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