PHOBIAS---------------Are you afraid??

Getting to the point, I stumbled across this interesting site which provided this huge list of phobias....ordinarily, we are more or less aware of the common ones...fear of heights(thats acrophobia), fear of numbers(arithmophobia...I said ordinarily, the probability of being a math geek being overruled), fear of closed spaces(one should definitely know this one),fear of fire(pyrophobia).....

But there are some really, really weird ones that require earnest discovery....par example, peladophobia, that would be fear of bald people, pteronophobia, thats fear of being tickled by feathers(!) sesquipedalophobia( fear of long words ...and its easy to ascertain that I don't, thankfully, suffer from it) caligynephobia( shocking but true, fear of beautiful women. Seriously. Yes,they thought that up too!!)
There are a host of others, and obviously, the entire summation of all these silly fears that apparently plague random members of the human species, have no doubt secured firm reign over all of us chicken-hearted mortals enough to gain their own tribute by way of an entire website. Well, if such curious, fairly specific,individual phobias do exist camouflaged among us,in everyday society, it is an entirely ludicrous affair indeed! Most people, I feel inclined to believe, would spend their whole lifetime knowing, probably, what their fear is, but blissfully ignorant of the particular name bestowed upon it. And others, would probably spend it not even knowing that they are afraid of something.

Indeed, I would strongly suggest browsers of sensible disposition to warily avoid encountering this ominous website that would bring one face to face with a ridiculous phobia of ours and even more ominously associate it with a terrorizingly latinized name. Trust me, we're better off not knowing what we're afraid of. A simple example: In India, "fear of crowds" just makes no sense.

P.S. If you happen to be inquisitive of knowing what mine is, (yes yes I know I'm not supposed to indulge, but it was really too glaring) its testophobia.( No prizes for guessing what THAT is, considering entire populations suffer from it)...


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