
Showing posts from October, 2010

Etre une femme!!!

Its complicated being female, trust me. And trust Billy Joel to enlighten the world about such a matter! However, while it is needless to state that we're all not born the same, that second x chromosome does inevitably lend us some characteristics which remain largely invariant among the female half of the population, and keeps the other half either wondering, or swooning, or grimacing, and most of the time just plain clueless.... as per situation (albeit keeping scope for differences). Between the daughters of Eve who walked the earth and their (great)^(10000....) grand daughters who now do the same, there are, if noticed carefully, similarities that have actually crossed the barrier of all those extra zeroes in the domain of time and thrived. Like cockroaches.(?) However some of the points may include references applicable to the present times only. Women are intelligent. No modifications or amendments or criticism of the statement shall be entertained. We have higher EQ...