
Showing posts from September, 2010

This too shall Pass

There are two basic theories which define the actual occurence of events in the, the theory of randomness, or chaos, and another, the theory of exactness,a mathematically designed infinite chain of events, equations, that occur owing to some preordained mathematical objective which is necessarily destined to occur. Both, I must confess, are highly complex ideas that would require advanced logical analysis which, needless to say I happen to be quite incapable of, and yet, the underlying principle is surprisingly easy enough for every human mind to comprehend. The theories themselves appear to be paradoxical, none offering a substantially accurate solution within our logical reasoning capabilities. Sometimes, (notice when we are frustrated or excessively overjoyed about something) it seems like everything upto that point has been carefully designed to give us cause for the intense misery or unexpected elation that we may be experiencing. At others, our lives and eve...
Just to remember where I started from....

PHOBIAS---------------Are you afraid??

Getting to the point, I stumbled across this interesting site which provided this huge list of phobias....ordinarily, we are more or less aware of the common ones...fear of heights(thats acrophobia), fear of numbers(arithmophobia...I said ordinarily, the probability of being a math geek being overruled), fear of closed spaces(one should definitely know this one),fear of fire(pyrophobia)..... But there are some really, really weird ones that require earnest discovery....par example, peladophobia, that would be fear of bald people, pteronophobia, thats fear of being tickled by feathers(!) sesquipedalophobia( fear of long words ...and its easy to ascertain that I don't, thankfully, suffer from it) caligynephobia( shocking but true, fear of beautiful women. Seriously. Yes,they thought that up too!!) There are a host of others, and obviously, the entire summation of all these silly fears that apparently plague random members of the human species, have no doubt secured firm reign ove...
Déjà vu  (pronounced  /ˈdeɪʒɑː ˈvuː/  (   listen )   DAY -zhah  V OO ;  French:  [deʒa vy]    (   listen ) , meaning "already seen", from Greek παρα "para," "near, against, contrary to" + μνήμη "mēmē," "memory"), is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the recent past), although the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain.  That's how the wikipedia  article about this intriguing phenomenon that has puzzled me for as long as I can remember,  begins.  It goes on for some length about the history, medical and psychological causes and effects which inevitably bores me, and leaves me still trying to figure it out somehow. I don't, obviously, remember when exactly I experienced my first deja vu, must have been quite little at the time to not know why I suddenl...


Personally I am somewhat averse to the idea of blogging....that is why I'm starting out so late....simply because I feel it just swallows up a lot of innate literary talents(having forayed through a number of them recently,a few which I feel are compellingly awe-inspiring), who have to their credit an accumulated bunch of fine scribblings with potential of recognition. It is a sorry affair to let genius revolve in the whirpool of coded space and never see  light of day. And yet there are the pros too; after some perusal, I come to the conclusion that blogs are a good medium of expression for those who need to express, but owing to constraints of time or inspiration or opportunity, have not quite burst forth into the literary arena with a critically acclaimable manuscript . Or even those who need to escape , temporarily, from the daily humdrum , madding crowd , severity of their subject of study, or drearity of their workplace, and find it a necessary mental relief to make...